Congress to Become Even More Insular

Day 451, 20:44 Published in USA USA by One Eye
ProggyPophas submitted a proposal to block participation of the common folk from the congressional forums. So if you have something important to add to a debate you'll have to PM your senator and hope they agree with you. Otherwise you'll be silenced. Good job Proggy at keeping government accessible.

Limiting access to the debate will make congress more insular. You'll lose a lot of quality information. Who in congress discovered that 80% of our income was going to purchase constructions? Nobody. Who in congress knows the relationship between income earned by VAT and income tax? A very few. Who knows what the president is planning? Who knows what the military is planning? Congress doesn't know, but they want to block these people from debate. You're doing a heck of a job ProggyPop.

Limiting access will do little to improve the quality of the debate. Look back in the old debate thread, and you'll find just as many useless comments from senators as you will from the general population.

The point is it's a big game, and lots of people are working to better the country. Some through understanding, some through diplomacy, etc. Excluding all these people will only water down the congressional discussion and make congress even more out of touch.