Day 701, 10:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ben clew

Hello my name is ben clew and I will be running for the RFA in Scotland. If you elect me here are just some things that both me and the party can do for you.

The RFA is a unique Political party in the eUK in the sense that we are an alliance of people from all over the political spectrum and unlike the other parties, not bound by a certain ideology that we must follow. Together, our members, whether they be communists or far right come together to debate ideas and turn them into policies which take the best from all sides of the argument. We Feel this is the best way for everyone to be heard and to get their views across. No one is ever shouted down and No ones ideas are ever ignored. Our Party has no 'Elite Members' everyone is an equal among equals.

Beliefs should be formed on the basis of logic, and reason, and should not be influenced by authority, tradition, or any other dogma. The eUK is dominated by real life inspired parties of left and right, yet this is a game. We will reject traditional political thinking and do only that which furthers growth, prosperity and fun.

The RFA Remembers that this first and foremost a game and we want to keep things simple to keep things fun!

The RFA Believes in respecting and up holding the democratic votes taken each month for Congress, the Presidency and for Party Presidents. (see!)

We believe helping new citizens is one of the most important duties of a government and therefore we strongly support legislation and schemes both by the government and by private individuals to help answer questions, give advice and seek to encourage them to keep playing.

We should aim to cut away as much of the Government as possible, focusing on those functions only the Government can do. This includes:

Skill 0 Jobs
New Citizen Education
Foreign Policy
Military Organization
Low/Fair Taxes

A Government should be there to help maximise citizen enjoyment and not to legislate laws which would constrict a citizens fun.

Foreign Policies
TheRFAbelieves in the protection of British interests above all others. This is a competitive game and a governments first responsibility is to its own citizens.

We Believe in maintaining friendly relations with all nations of the world wherever possible, the more friends a nation has, the more secure it is.

Economic Policy
The RFA supports government run companies to provide skill 0 Jobs for new players and low and fair taxes where possible.

We believe that there are certain times when eUK companies need to be protected by high import tax so they continue to turn a profit. While this type of Protectionism is frowned upon in the real world, here in the new world it is necessary for our economy to continue ticking over.

So if you vote for me you will take a big step into the future of the country and one day there will be a fair RFA eUK government in charge which is just what we need.

People of Scotland Vote for me! You will cerainly not regret it.

Thank you for reading