Congress Results and an In-Depth Analysis

Day 1,041, 10:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
Article #55

1 Time Bronze Article Winner

The congress elections for September occurred yesterday. Here we will look at an in-depth analysis of the results. The Unity Party won on raw congressmen, but did they really win?

This table shows all the statistics for the elections.

Con. = Congressman
Mem. = Members
Green = Above Average
Red = Below Average

Click to Enlarge

Percentage of Top 5 Membership gives each party’s membership percentage of the total membership of the top 5 parties. The red indicates that the party has failed to reach this percentage with their share of congressmen, and green shows they have reached and surpassed this. For example, the RFA only have 11.3% of the top 5 membership, but now have 12.5% of congress.


The effiency can be read by looking at the three columns from Mem. per Con. to Vote per Con.

Members per Congressman
Winner: United Kingdom Reform Party
With 1 congressman for every 19.9 members, this party has the highest ratio of congressmen to members.
Loser: People’s Communist Party
Because the PCP only has 1 congressman for every 26.6 members, they lose in this category.

Members per Vote
Winner: BBH Party Party
With only 1.21 members for every vote given to BBH Party members, this party is by far the most efficient here.
Loser: People’s Communist Party
The PCP lose out again here (but only just), as they have 2.89 members for every vote cast for their members. The TUP are just behind with 2.84.

Votes per Congressman
Winner: The Unity Party
The TUP and RFA may seem even in this category on the table, but in fact the TUP win by just over 0.02. Their organisation meant they were the most efficient in getting congressmen in with less votes to use elsewhere.
Loser: BBH Party Party
The BBH Party Party are the clear losers here with 17 votes for each congressman they managed to get elected.

Success Rate
Winner: The Unity Party
Over 77% of the TUP candidates ended up elected, making them the winners here.
Loser: People’s Communist Party
As the only party to have less than half their candidates fail to get elected (41.66% success rate) the PCP lose here.


So, with these facts the winner is less clear.

-TUP won on raw congressmen and success rate, but they were one of the two parties to fail to get a congress percentage which would match their membership. They also seem to have one of the less active memberships, since they only received one vote for every 2.84 congressmen.
-The United Kingdom Reform Party were the only party to be above average in all 5 categories, so maybe they are the winners? They won 2 categories and came 2nd in Members per Vote, but were only 3rd in Success Rate and 4th in Votes per Congressmen.
-The People’s Communist Party slug behind, being above average in only 1 category (but still coming 3rd), and losing in 4 of them. Despite not getting the least amount of congressmen, they look the losers.
-The Radical Freethinkers Alliance look good, being above average in 4 of the 5 categories. However, they won (only just though) none, and had a poor 50% success rate.
-The BBH Party Party are the misfits here. With only 3 candidates and 2 congressmen, they’re stats are all over the place; ranging from extremely well to extremely badly.

That is all for this month’s congress elections. See you next month o/

Note: These statistics are based only on what parties people ran with, regardless of what parties they may have moved to afterwards