Congress reminder + Info

Day 516, 14:22 Published in Malaysia Sweden by Gustavius

Well, I don't know if some of you remember this article but it's about one thing, the 5 gold which all of the new congressmen's will get if they win in the Congresselection.
And just like last time, I will keep it simple...

Too which organization should I donate?

Well easy, The Central Bank of Malaysia is the economical palace of Malaysia, Vikta (our Minister of Finance and up-keeper of the governmental cooperations) is taking care of the Malaysia economy from our national central bank, So donate to The Central Bank of Malaysia.

Second - why should I donate?

Well, according to a research done on the national forum one can actually see that the biggest problem for Malaysia is the lack of gold to develop us with.
With these gold we could create an strong army with a good supply of weapons, we could create governmental cooperation which could employ un-employed citizens and we could fill our markets.
With the gold we could make Malaysia grow and get stronger.

When should I donate?

Well, the most basic idea is after the election, first then you have the new 5 gold in you pocket, but off course could you donate even before you have won/lost/candidated...

So now in pure general speaking...
Donate and Help your nation!

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Then after this I would like to do a little statement to everyone running for congress within the Malay Action Party.
MAP wont have any hard-on demands on the candidates as the Malay Action Party first priority is to create a stable nation, something which one need a strong majority congress for.
But I would like to ask for one thing: Be an active member at our national forum.

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Also I would like to remind everyone in Malaysia to join our national forum.
Even if only the Government-area is active right now that means nothings, Join now and make Malaysia a proud and active Nation!

Gustavius - Malay Action party.