Congress Presentation - Vorarlberg

Day 667, 14:48 Published in Austria Pakistan by Katharos45

Hello Austrians, I am going to run for Congress in Vorarlberg. I am new to the country, but I feel that I can make a difference. Before I explain My platform, Let me tell you some things about myself. I was eBorn in Greece, and I participated in the government as one time Minister of Immigration. I spent most of my life in Greece, and then began to feel that the government was becoming too paranoid, so me and a few friends came to Malaysia. Then after around 2 weeks in Malaysia, I noticed a thread on the forum about Austria, and felt it was a good place to live, so I moved. Now I have become Accustomed to the political and Economic situation, and I hope that You vote me for Congress. Here are a few things I would do if you elected me.

1.Fix the Exchange rate. We have a very weak Currency compared to the other High grain nations, and we cannot hope to compete with them, and making our high grain region useless.

2. Increase Activity in the Forums and IRC. We have over 400 people, and we now around 100 are active, yet there are only 20 people on the IRC, and the forums are almost private chats between 4 or 5 people. We need to inform people of where the forums and IRC are.

3. Daily Orders. Only Now has the Military started posting daily orders. I also think that the Tutorial can be generic copy and pasted on each DoD, instead of a long article. The article can still be there, but a small tutorial should be there as well. I have a small tutorial we can use. As well, I think an army spreadsheet is needed instead of a sign up sheet in the forum no one goes to. This would ask for Citizen ID, level, rank, strength, name, and so on.

4. Q3 companies and up should be urged to not post job offers to anyone under the skill of 4. These people would slowly die as they would lose more wellness than gain. It also hurts the Manager, as they don’t get a equal amount of Productivity versus salary.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you vote for me for Congress!