Congress member gazala

Day 488, 13:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by wallyboy444

I don't personally know this member of erepublik, however it has come to my attention that he is a member of congress!
In fact he won the seat with a total of 20 votes, all with no presentation. I don't know about you but surely this person must be really quite active on the forums and he must have a few friends.
Guess what? He isn't.
So a person who seems to be active in-game, I will give him that, got into congress, but not by having a wonderful manifesto or good ideas and most certainly not by being active on the forums.

I implore you members of the South East community
Do not vote for people like this, as far as I am aware he has done nothing to help you in the past month so why vote for him?

Horice has written an article
please read it and please take into account this when you vote
This is your region, even if you are a member of another party please do not vote for someone who will not work for you.

Please people of eUK vote for someone who will help your region!!
And please of you are not on the forums, please sign up at

1 other small thing what is this? Ukraine has decalred war on Romania?
Romania are truly screwed!