Congress In New York-- Fionia for a Second Term

Day 702, 16:50 Published in USA USA by Fionia

Hello, New York! As I mentioned in my previous article, I am running for a second term in Congress, and I am hoping that I will be elected so I can continue to represent all of you. In my campaign article from September, I described in detail some personal qualities that I believe make me a good candidate (that article can be found here). This month, I'm going to write my article a little bit differently.

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This Term In Congress:

First of all, for those who haven't seen it already, my voting record from this term can be found here. I know I have not been the loudest or most active voice in Congress, but do not let this fact make you think that I do not know what is going on. I spend hours online each night, and a good percentage of that time over the past month has been dedicated to reading and understanding the debates and procedures of Congress. I have not said very much because I personally did not want to give uninformed opinions. I can say however, that I have voted in every single in-game and forum proposal, and my votes are recorded and can be found for those who wish to see them. I have also reached the point where I know feel more confident in my knowledge of Congress, and I am looking forward to taking a more active role if re-elected.

My Opinions

Taxes: First, they are not going to be lowered any time soon. I know that, and I am not going to make false promises to any of my voters. However, I will definitely vote against tax increases when I am not convinced that it will generate significant beneficial revenue, or when I am convinced that it will greatly hurt you, my constituents.

War/Hospitals: These two are related, at least in what I have to say about them. War is essential to this game, and this in turn means that hospitals are essential. War helps raise EXP, and hospitals help keep wellness up after fighting in the wars. That being said, there are only two hospitals in the eUS: Florida and California. Citizens of New York, if you wish to fight in the wars, you need to move to one of those two states. Unfortunately, there are not enough active citizens in this great state of New York to justify a hospital here. Like I said with the taxes, I am not going to make any false promises.

In terms of the current war, I believe that it should be fought to the point where our country and allies are free, and no further. Let's take the high road here, and not show that we are just as narrow-minded as our enemies. I do not believe that revenge would be a smart idea.

A Message to the Citizens of New York

Some of you may have received my PM earlier this week and followed the link to my voting record article. I thank you for being interested, and I thank you if you are reading this. I would like to offer help to any citizen of New York who needs it; if you have questions, ask me, and I will do my best to answer them, or find the answer for somebody else. Also, you are welcome to come to #Fionia's_Room on from 9 PM to 11 PM EST almost every night if you would like to talk to me live.

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And finally, I would like to end this article by wishing luck to the two opponents that I know of currently: mjdiv and Jay Young II. May the best candidate win.

Vote on October 25th for whichever candidate you think is best.

And, by special request, a lolcat.