Congress? I iz it!

Day 1,000, 16:49 Published in Singapore USA by Arbryn


Hello friends & citizens of eSingapore,

I am running as a Congressional Candidate representing the Birthday Party (of course, BP is my lovechild) on August 25th elections.

I am here, I am doing stuff. So there it is.

Hey new people, some stuff I did in eSingapore:
4 term president, 2 term Congress. 1 1/2 years of service, various Minister jobs including Finance, Trade, Education, & some others, I dunno there was a lot (about a dozen). Longest tenured eSingapore citizen tied with Woshiempire 😃 (Feb 11, 2009). Guardian of the eSingapore Reserve Bank. + Moar stuffs

If you don't know me and I need to actually write some idea of what I plan to do. Well, I don't know what I plan to do. I do things every month for eSingapore, I am more active even when I am not even in this e-country then 1/3 to 1/2 of the people who are elected into congress in many months are and they are here the whole time. We got issues to work on, As a Congress member or not as a Congress member I will help where I can. But its been a while and it seems appropriate so I am running this time because this war module sucks and is broken so I don't want to fight in other places. Therefore I came home.


