Congress For My Comrades (now with 100% more boobies)

Day 696, 15:20 Published in Malaysia Republic of China (Taiwan) by Dekona Rodriguez

I now announce my plans to run for congress representing the Mudkip Workers' Party in Northeastern Thailand. My platform is as it has always been. Lower the VAT and income taxes while raising importation taxes on the supplies we have, in order for Malaysia to have a strong economy we need to encourage job growth and immigration to Malaysia. This being said I plan on accepting the citizenship requests of those who have been working and fighting for Malaysia, one who serves the country in such a way deserves a say in their government.
I also strongly believe that we must work towards strengthening the MYR on the scale of international scale by issuing small amounts of money backed by large sums of gold. We must also secure allies in the rest of the world (yes I know we have some, but the more the merrier, no?), however I believe that we must not join any of the larger alliances of the world and instead remain neutral, even if joining PEACE would make us have more allies it would also bring new enemies and would allow turn us into a puppet country. I am determined not to let this happen for it has ruined the true independence of so many other countries.
Even more reasons:
-I am active
-I have a long distinguished military career
-I have connections all over the world
-I helped found the Mudkip Movement
-I have always kept with the same ideology
(PS for I added a pic for those who are pathetic)