Congress Discusion Regarding Law Change

Day 1,020, 22:03 Published in Canada Ireland by Philip Delle Palme

Hello eCanada you may be aware that in Open Door Congress jbdivinus has brought to light that many of our laws are out of date. I endorse this if it is done right. Here is my exact post regarding this issue after it being stated that we cannot just suspend our laws until we re-write a new set.

So clearly that is the next step. I am publicly offering any help that ANYONE needs in re-writing a system as long as the following conditions are met

1. The system works
2. the system keeps Canadians in control and preserves a democtratic government
3. All official bodies (including UNELECTED citizens) have at least the opprotunity to voice their opinoin.
4. That this system is setup and approved before ANY old law is taken out.

I hope that not only my fellow congressmen and women agree with this, I hope that they support this statement or something following the same lines as it. Finally I hope that SOMETHING is done becuase I think we can all agree that entire departments of government outlined in our current system (ie. Healthcare) are out-dated.

I am hoping to get a discussion going on this matter as many of you cannot post in congress. So have at it keep it clean and remember that both sides of the discussion only have eCanada's best interests at heart.

This is our Canada
This is your Northern Corner