Congress candidate

Day 1,003, 04:16 Published in Malaysia Bulgaria by Elijah Abbot

Hello citizens of eMalaysia!

I`m glad to announce that I`m running for congress next week in Sabah region under the F.T.F.F. support. First some words for me, because I`m not sure how well you know me.

I started playing eRep in the beggining of this year, and I could say it has taken part in my daily life. So far I have 6 HW medals and 2 weeks ago I got my first BH! I didn`t started playing in eMalaysia and moved here a month ago. My citizenship was approved by Noveras and if I never thanked him I must at last do it now! Thank you!

Since I got here I saw how terrible the real malaysian people feel about the political takeover of their homeland. From that moment I`m trying to show my support for the ATO efforts. This candidature is the peak of it! So here some of my objectives:
1. At first place with the support of the F.T.F.F. party and the other malay parties to take majority in the congress;
2. After gaining a majority, a tryout for impeachment of the current PTO president;
3. When serbians don`t have power to determine the actions of the congress, immedeate actions for making eMalaysia a good place to live and have bussiness.*

So far that`s from me. All the best wishes to you! Don`t bother to ask me questions, if you have such!

*the means of achieving this will be discussed with the other members of congress to find the best strategy and realization.

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