Congress Candidacy ~ Rexdeus~ For Gauteng

Day 1,158, 06:37 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rexdeus

Good day to all the citizens of eSouth Africa !

Congress elections is in a couple of days and you would have seen a couple of congress platforms, all of whom I am sure will make more than capable congress persons. The task of being a congress person is not to be an individual, but a team player and constantly think of what is done and if it is in the best interest of its citizens.

Does that mean that any citizen can be a congress person? NO, yes as citizen you know what you would like, but as congress person you have to decide if it is the best for the citizens. As citizen I want low or no income tax, as congress person you know this is unrealistic or do not fit in the plan to grow the economy. What this shows us is, as congress person it is about finding the best possible compromise, this is something only a team player can do, an individualist or a person who is not a team player would not be prepared to compromise. Politics is not about my way or no way. It is working with people to decide the best for the majority. Why do I spend so much on team work? Quite simply because I believe I am “the” team player, and together we can achieve so much more than alone.

I am no Guru, I am a normal player that owns a company, has a newspaper, had been Director of Education, is currently member of the Economic Counsel, deputy minister of finance, currently PXO for the Centurions and simply just an eRepublik fan. I understand the complexities of keeping a company profitable, I battle every day and understand the importance of a well-oiled military machine, the fact that I have a paper obviously means I am for a free and independent press. I like to try my hand at everything, and if I can help my fellow citizens why not. And that’s why I ask for your vote in Gauteng, under the banner of the Independent Alternative party, I would like to become your congress person and ask for your support so that we can continue on the re-building path of our great country.

I call myself a moderate and simply want to work towards a positive future, wanting to be part of building eSouth Africa in to the best it can possibly be. Welcoming anyone who wants to work towards a brighter future. Most would have seen my posts and would know where I stand. Please vote for Rexdeus from the Independent Alternative Party running in Gauteng.

Thankyou for your time. Now you can show your pleasure or displeasure with a vote for Rexdeus in Gauteng under the IA banner on the 25th If you stay in any other province support your local AI representative 🙂
