Congress Breakdown. ~ Lemonade Anyone?

Day 1,771, 19:25 Published in Canada Canada by Little Tony

Well Where to Start Today....

The Congressional and Presidential Elections are the most popular times of the month. Whether you're interested in Politics or not. You can’t help but reading over the buzz in the media, on how this guy is a thief, corrupted, illerirate, hipster (missing anything?)

How this party is gonna bring war,
This party is gonna restore peace within the borders
How its so and so’s fault all the cool cats left eCan.

However my favourite part of election day is looking back on the month that was and to see the progress that was made.

So What Did Happen?
-No War (Which is surprising given our track record and the position of our allies)
Portugal may have had a congress.
We could have acquired 2 new resources which would put us ahead of the USA production bonuses
I would like to go back to my first bullet. What will the fate of Colombia be

-Taxes were raised to 17% on VAT. Treasury has grown considerably since the 5% VAT we saw the last month.

-A variety of MPP’s were accepted out of confusion. eCanada has yet to set a new foreign policy. Which will be the topic on the floor come the 5th.

-Several failed Presidential Impeachments.

So when we look at each parties tenets. Did they fulfil their responsibilities as elected Congressional Representatives.

8 Tenets of the MDP
#1-Voices are only meant to be heard when asked to speak or they know what there talking about
#2-Leadership is pre-ordained and not open to democratic vote.
#3-Failure in leadership will lead to swift punishment from the military council.
#4-Congressman will operate upon the direction of the Party Dictator when ordered.
#5-Taxes will be used to fund the nations military units to help them acheive maximum efficency through programs aimed at both the MU and its members.
#6-Quarter will be neither asked for or given.
#7-Financial security and protection of the nations funds is priority one in govt.
#8-Actively pursue aggressive military campaigns upon following #7.

The Coalition has fulfilled their duty. We saw a attempt to NE Spain. Supported the tax hike for maximum funding. And Congressman have no doubt acted under a higher power.

The CPF held a large amount of seats this term and combined with Clan Wolf held a majority over the Coalition. Yet the CPF does not use this to their advantage.

Wally Cleaver could have been removed as CP.
Odd MPP’s could have been avoided

CPF’s Tenets

Our Seven Tenets:

1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important

3. Ensure Canada is a reliable, and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy.

Overall the CPF followed it’s charter that it laid out.
We saw the eCanadian population continue to decline as well as a one of our closest ally got wiped.

Was there a chance to slow or prevent Portugals Wipe Yes? Would it have worked?
Well, we’ll never know.

Clan Wolf...
To be honest you got what you voted for. Basically a party for people who like the theme, and not interested in the CPF or coalition.

Several failed attempts at proposals.
As well as a failed rallied to Impeach Wally
Otherwise it would appear as Clan Wolf was a Yes Man this term.

The Lemon Party.
We are an Independent Party that speaks out against Sour Politics.
While few in numbers.
Our voice is heard by many.
And will continue to be heard as we take the first steps in climbing the political lader.

Across the board we have saw the Political Influence in eCanada decrease.
Summer has passed.
And so has the tyranny of the Coalition.

A new era has is beginning in eCanada.
The coalition is losing it’s Political Influence due to inactivity and their rash choices.

So it’s time someone steps up and begins to reclaim the Top 5 Spot.
The Lemon Party Plans to do just that.

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