Congress Bid, again.

Day 1,152, 08:08 Published in USA USA by Princefigs

My secretary dresses like this at work

Hello eUSA,

I am pleased to announce that I am once again running for Congress. I feel like my first term has been a success and that the next would be even better. Most first term Senators end up not doing much and have no real voice. They sit on the sidelines and simply vote for whatever the majority says. This is not my way. I believe that Senators, regardless of tenure, have an obligation to engage in debate on anything being proposed and to come to a decision based on what THEY believe is in the best interest of the country....not what a small group of elitist believe.

Congress has some serious problems and unfortunately too few people willing help fix them, as of now. The first problem and most serious, is that the eConstitution is not being followed. Congress gives away its eConstitutional rights far too often and allows the other branches of government to dictate to it on matters in which they do not have the right to do so in. As a RL Constitutional lawyer, this is of major consider to me.

As a Senator, I will continue my fight against this and will in time restore the balance of power that eUSA is missing. To this end, I will also be supporting those that have the same goals as I and sincerely believe in the separation of powers. I will publish a new article in a few days with a list I ask that everyone support these people and myself.

With my Congressional bid in mind, I wanted to once again outline my platform. To me, these arent merely empty words and false expectations, but real things that I intend on fighting for next term as I have this one :

-- High taxes, coupled with the changes being implemented by the admins will hurt the eUSA just as we all have experienced lately. High taxes drive companies and citizens away to another country where the rules more favorably work for them. Lowering taxes will at least keep the citizens and companies in the country and at best drive more businesses to our shores and more citizens to work for eAmerican companies. I will continue looking for ways in which we can increase revenue in alternative ways and therefore lower taxes.

--eUSA has waste in its budget. Congress is directly responsible for the budget. Wasteful spending or mis-allocation of country funds is a breach of the public trust and a violation of Congress' responsibility to the people. I will never forget that it is YOUR money that we are deciding where and how much to use. I will make sure to fight for responsible usage of funds and elimination of wasteful spending.

--This is the parent of eliminating wasteful spending. Making the government run as efficiency as possible will allow the Congress to get a real sense of the true budget needs of each party that gets government funds. I will demand efficiency in government and in the parties that receive funds from us. I will lead the charge on developing programs and policies that reward responsibility, efficiency, and pro-eAmerican works, while helping restructure, reform, and eliminate programs, parties, or groups that are inefficient, uneAmerican, or abusing the funds provided.

--As the commanding officer of the 123rd platton, 12th company 1st division of the eUnited States Training Corps it is my job to train the raw recruits I receive into some of eAmericas finest. Part of that job involves me getting them involved and motivated about country and the military. I plan to push for more new citizen programs to encourage and motivate new citizens to the world to stick around and become involved in some aspect of the game. I also plan on pushing for programs to get old citizens that have lost interest in the game to come back and have a say in fixing things.

--The absolute worst thing that I learned in my first term in Congress was that the other branches of government,in general, have no respect for the separation of powers that the eConstitution mandates.

Congress....and Congress alone....has sole command over the budget. We have the ability to grant or refuse funding to any group for any reason regardless of the want and desire of the other branches. Too often though, the other branches have insiders in Congress that push their own agenda through and force practices that are indeed only pandering to self-interests. One example of this is the Arm America program. Read about it here This is one of a few examples that exist. As a Senator, I will continue my fight against the forces that want to make Congress no more than a rubber stamp. I will put eUSA first and foremost.

To view the eConstitution in its entirety please view it here : eConstitution


This is going to be the most difficult of the objectives that I have. There are A LOT of people in government (all branches) that are elitist snobs. They look down on people that dont spend their life on this silly game and do not take them into consideration in the slightest. The punishing tax rate is a perfect example. They do not care, and have said so, about " 2 clickers " and simply want to tax away all of your income and give it to their insiders. Ironically enough, the very same people are those that evade taxes completely. They want you to shoulder the burden for their enjoyment. Elitism in its highest form is alive and well in eUSA.

I believe that all citizens should be treated with respect and equally. Regardless if they are 2 clickers or if they spend all day here. The most active believe that they are entitled to something and deserve to be treated like gods. The members that make up the branches of government have either forgotten or dont give a damn that they are there to serve. Not be served. I intend of doing what I can to eliminate these type of politicians and restore humility to government.

For the TL😉R crowd :

Vote for me. I am principled and put you first.

Well, Im done flapping my gums for awhile 🙂 I ask that you read and consider voting for me on the 25th. I will serve you to the best of my ability.
