Congress Analysis: October 2010/Day 1070

Day 1,072, 12:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
1 Time Bronze Article Winner

Before we move on to the main article, it should be noted that there are a couple of controversies around this month’s congress elections.

Firstly is the issue in the East of England. Sir Botham (PCP) and IndieKid (TUP) both ended with 5 votes, behind two other candidates. IndieKid was placed 3rd based on experience, putting him into congress. However, Sir Botham working and training earlier today meant that once the congress results were finalised, his experience was higher, putting him in 3rd. The admins have not changed this result.

Secondly is the issue of Scotland. Scotland has been re-invaded. But even though the invasion was completed after day-change, all candidates successfully running Scotland have not been put into congress. This means Anaxima (PCP), Rozzeh (UKRP) and McAfee01 (TUP) all lose out. Everyone is free to mass-ticket the admins, and hope that this will be restored. For the rest of this article I will go with all 40 congressmen being elected.

You may now take a look at these nice pictures.

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The following things can be noted by look at these tables and graphs:
1. The TUP have gained 20 congressmen and 50% of congress, their highest this year, and possibly ever.
2. The UKRP received their lowest percentage of congressmen since March.
3. The PCP are the second largest party in congress for the first time this year, this coming with their highest percentage of congressmen this year too.
4. The RFA received the lowest amount of congressmen (2), and their lowest percentage of congressmen this year (twinned with June).
5. The BDP have gained 3 congressmen in their first elections.

Congress Representation
This is found by looking at how large the percentage of congressmen a party has compared to their percentage of members out of all members of the top 5 parties.
Winners: TUP It is quite hard for the TUP to do well in this category because of their large membership, but getting 20 congressmen has paid off.
Losers: RFA Something went terribly wrong in the RFA camp this month, they come last in this category.

Members per Congressmen
This finds how represented the members of a party are (i.e. How many members there are for each congressmen in a party)
Winners: PCP There are only 12.38 PCP members for every single PCP congressman.
Losers: RFA The RFA lose once again, and by a very large margin. There are a massive 45.5 RFA members for each of their congressmen, almost 4x as much as the PCP, and almost 2x as much as the party ranked 4th (UKRP) in this category.

Members per Vote
This category sees how many votes each party managed to get out of their members (i.e. amount of votes relative to party size)
Winners: BDP
The BDP are the winners here; 1.54 members for each vote cast for a BDP member.
Losers: UKRP
With only 1 vote for every 2.25, the UKRP are clearly the losers this time.

Votes per Congressmen
This category aims to see how efficiently parties managed to use their votes.
Winners: PCP
The PCP win again here. An average of only 7.13 votes had to be cast for each PCP congressmen to be elected.
Losers: RFA
An average of 23 votes had to be cast for each RFA congressmen to be elected; twice as much as the next worst party.

Candidate Success Rate (😵
Winners: TUP
A massive 76.92% of TUP candidates were successfully elected.
Losers: RFA
4 out of 5 losses for the RFA; only 16.67% of their candidates were successfully elected.

This table shows how many wins and losses each party gained in these categories. The third column is a points system. 1st: +2, 2n😛 +1, 3r😛 0, 4th: -1, 5th: -2. This aims to break down each party and evaluate how well they did in these past congress elections.
It can be seen that the UKRP, and especially the RFA, did very poorly. Meanwhile, the PCP and TUP performed very well. The BDP also did well considering they are only a very new party.

Final Notes:
• As long as the elected congressmen in Scotland are not included (as is the situation now), the TUP will have over 50% of congress.
• A member of the PCP congress is blacklisted from on-forum congress, and so will not be able to vote or discuss in congress on the forums. They will still be able to vote in-game.

That is all this time. Hopefully these statistics will give a deeper analysis into the performance of the individual parties.