Congress! (again...)

Day 757, 15:59 Published in Greece Greece by metaman72

In case you hadn't noticed (which you probably haven't), I'm running for Greek Congress again, in Macedonia, under the GIP. (I was running in Thrace, but the P.P. made me change it)

I want YOU to vote! (the article and the election)

If I were voted in, I would support donations to the Hellenic Depository, and would support many of the proposed alliances with Greece (not some of the countries we hate). But you get the point, I'm sure.

The last reason to vote for me is because I'm the only GIP canidate in Central Greece, and the GIP is AWESOME!

So vote! Both the article and for Congress!

By the way, can any Greek experts like Anthonios leave their support in the comments bar?