Congratulations to Raziel, new UKRP Party President and thank you all!

Day 757, 01:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by fsx121

Fake Winston's PTO is over! Raziel Darkheart is elected as UKRP Party President - well done everybody!

Thank you all for support, wherever you voted, organised campaigns of voters, publish adds or articles, commented, chatted on irc and forums or PMed your support - thank you all for standing against abuse, arrogance, empty accusations - thank you for supporting eUK!

The message is clear - we don't want people with shaky morals, that in the face of failure resort to thievery, backstabbing and a lot of swearing.

By this I'm publicly asking fake Winston to resign as Congressman and move away from eUK - we don't want people like you in here!

Thank you again, it's a pleasure to elive with you in eUK!