Congratulations to New and Returning Congressmen

Day 402, 08:43 Published in Canada Canada by Zanalan

The election is over and Canadians have spoken. It behoves all of us in Congress to ensure that we are making decisions that will benefit all Canadians. To do this, we must call upon the Executive Branch to govern by motion rather than by Executive Order. In our previous session, Congress’ ability to debate the declaration of war against France and the changes to the tax structure were removed because of these extra-ordinary edicts. In order for the democratic process to evolve, we need the power to discuss, debate and amend government motions.

This debate also requires the involvement of all the newly elected and returning Congressmen. To fulfill your mandate, all Congressmen MUST be registered for the eCanada forums. If you have not registered and been masked for Congress then you have wasted the votes of Canadians. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

To receive your masking you need to:
1) Register on the eCanada forum
2) Then you MUST fill out the “eCanadian Citizen Sign In” form located under the Canadian Immigration Service board
3) Then you MUST send an in-game PM to Phineas Gage.

If you do not follow these steps then you cannot participate. On behalf of all the parties, I demand you take these steps. On behalf of the Canadians who voted for us, I beg you to take these steps. To help build a stronger Canada, you must take these steps.