Congratulations Dish

Day 778, 05:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nice Guy Eddie

The presidential election is over. The winner was dishmcds. Congratulations Dish, make us proud! I'm sure you'll do a great job!
I want to thank everyone who voted for me, and double thank those that put up the awesome ads that clearly outnumbered Dish's. It was a close fought election and I have to thank the campaign teams from both TUP and PCP for their support, hard effort and time. Especially Karacticus and rastari, who both stood aside in the primaries to allow me to run.

I never got to put in place the cabinet I wanted, but as a sneak peek at what might have been thanks to Hassan, Mr Woldy, jamesw, Karacticus, Dan Thorrold, Lord Weiis, elbanaan, bombadierbeetle, John Forsetti, GGRyan, Joachim von Bremen, rastari and John Bartlett who were all front runners. I'm glad I didn't have to make those decisions in the end 😉.

Once more for old times sake...">

See you around eUK. Probably when Dish is impeached 😮