Congrats US Soccer!

Day 586, 14:08 Published in USA USA by Msuracer

As much of you should know the US Soccer (Football) team has had a marvelious run in the confederations cup. To start the US team looked like crap losing there first two games to Brazil 3-0 and Italy 3-1. Then they pulled out a amazing win agenist Egypt 3-0 puting them into the semi-final game agenist Spain (the number one ranked team in the world). The US beat the best team in the world 2-0. In the finals the US faced Brazil again. The US fough hard going into half 2-0 but came out losing 2-3. Lets all show some support for the US Soccer team as they keep shocking the world.

Let eUS watch this and be aspired, if we work together we can shock the eworld