Confusion, misconceptions and poles...

Day 318, 12:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

On the 1st of October I somehow managed to win the presidential election, which was great, and a huge shock. Like me, many people were wondering how, something which was soon resolved, in that IR had put all their votes onto me. Before the elections virtually everyone wished me luck, gave advice, and were generally friendly, no doubt saw me as not having a hope in hell of winning an election, However, I did win.

So some people have almost instantly turned tail, people I have spent months working with, talking to, discussing plans for improvement turn their friendliness into jealousy, attacks, and pure annoyance.

I didn’t expect to win the elections, I have never been president before, and never been part of a party which has held a mayor seat prior to my win in limerick, so I am somewhat flooded with new information now I am president, eRepublik really doesn’t make life easy either, virtually no documentation, and well as an example, trying to withdraw money for something like gifts, is like trying to withdraw a million from Halifax, not the most easy thing in the world to do.

So here I am trying to work out where the heck I am, trying to get used to all these things that Imanewbie, and other members of the previous government were working on, and might I say there is a heck of a lot of stuff! But I am slowly working through it. I’ve almost got my minsters ready to announce, ok should of had it done sooner, but I didn’t exactly expect to win, to be fair I don’t think anyone did.

I will run eIreland as best as a possibly can, I will ensure her safety and growth! And hopefully with the help of my ministers, congress and the rest of the citizens in eIreland we will grow a lot come v1. However I whatever happens I will not allow eIreland to be harmed, taken or destroyed due to anything we create for ourselves.

I hereby ask that all those with poles jammed up there rear ends due to me winning the presidential elections slowly remove them, and work with me rather than against me. Lets improve eIreland together, rather than spend a lot of wasted time being pathetic and attacking each other!

For a better eIreland!