Concession Speech

Day 453, 20:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by Michael Holcomb

Holcomb Campaign Headquarters
With the final results clear Michael Holcomb made his way to the podium at the front of little hall with the ISRP Banner displayed proudly behind the platform to which he now mounted the stairs. Smiling and waving to the happy little crowd, Michael quieted the crowd with a gesture of his hands.
The polls have closed and the results are in. We ran a gallant, if short (the crowd laughs), campaign. But today the greatest Party in all Ireland elected a new Party President, and that man is Kiemar. I congratulate Kiemar on his election and I know that he will lead this Party to great things. Today’s results for me are not a defeat, but a happy event. I am new to the ISRP, when I first moved to Ireland I joined the Irish Union Party because I thought it would be nice to be in power. But I forgot something I learned when I lived in the United States, you win when you fight for what you believe in and not when you get the most votes.
So today, our first campaign in Ireland ends, but it won’t be our last. What the next campaign will be I can’t say now, but I’m promising you that the issues we fought for, and the agenda we support will march on. We will join together with Kiemar, we will fight to elect more ISRP Teachta Dala, and we will succeed!
Today, in winning any votes, we won a great victory. I have heard Ireland defamed, I have heard politicians called corrupt, but this election and this Party represent the greatest hope we have of advancing the far-left agenda (applause). Today’s defeat was not one of Party, but of a single man, and today I know that the ISRP will continue its rise and when we elect a President I know we will be there applauding that new President.
So I thank you for your support, and I say together we will move forward and see this Party come to its rightful place in government.

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