Comrade Aldameldo's speach to new CSP Congressmen

Day 950, 11:23 Published in Czech Republic Israel by Aldameldo

Hello comrades! Hello e-Czechs!
As you can see in the formal CSP official candidates list, our first goal was to get 4 Congressmen in July's czech Congress. But these elections' result surpassed every expectation our Party's officials did have.
We now have 8!!! 8 Congressmen! That means, the double number of what we planned to get! That is one of the best thing ever happened to CSP in the last months!

So I would like to thank all the citizens who voted for us, and to congratulate all the comrades who got elected.

After I had a drink with Feffo (😛) just in order to celebrate it, I realised that this victory is a double edged sword. It is surely a success, but consists also a challenge for CSP. Now we are the second party in the Congress. We have much more power, but also many more responsibilities.

The Czech people have trusted CSP, we shouldn't let them down! We shall work hard to prove that we deserve the votes we took! We are the oldest, the richest party in e-Czech Republic, and we have a very descent net of Communes. In short we have everything we need to march forward! The only thing we have to earn is the people to trust us!!! I don't speak about votes, I speak about FRIENDSHIP. We have helped numberless newbies, and other citizens in general. And these people admire and respect us, even though they don't vote for us.

See? All we have to do is right here, and we have to do it right now!

I personally as Secretary General will work together with our honourable Politburo members for a better CSP, for a better e-Czech Republic! It's a fresh start for Socialism, let's grab the chance and move!!!

Comrade Aldameldo
Secretary General of the Czech Socialist Party