Company owners and managers may I have your attention please

Day 599, 08:51 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag
GM Records Online is finally here!!! Now, as it is such a big project I have been releasing it in stages, usually a new feature each day. It does almost everything that the offline version does and more!!!

Currently I have about 30 beta testers but I need more .... that’s right if you want early access to GM Records online this is what you have to do:

1. Go to
2. Register using your erepublik citizen name
3. Vote and comment this article stating “I have registered and can’t wait to use GM Records Online”
4. Tell all your friends, spam it in your shoutbox
5. I will give you access as soon as I have a position free

I will be steadily adding new users each day, so early access will be on a first come first served basis.


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