Companies for Sale (RM Companies) - MoI Report

Day 504, 22:23 Published in Australia Australia by scotywest

G'day Australia,

I come here to you today with a list of Companies that are for sale on the Market. The list consists of some cheap companies some rather expensive companies, but them company owners will be contacted.

It is best to buy companies off the market, because your gold stay in the country and doesn't disappear to the admins. So remember to always look at the companies for sale before you go off and make a company.

Ok, here is the List


P.T. Cocok Tanam
Owner - ana
Quality - 1
Export Licence - 1 Indonesia
Location - Vic, Medium
Price - 30Gold
Note - This company came from Indonesia when we got Victoria back, it is situated in Medium grain location and you need to buy a licence to sell in Australia (which is only 5 gold).

Q2 Grain high region
Owner - Carpenters box
Quality - 2
Location - NSW, High
Price - 35Gold
Price its worth - 40gold
Note - This company is being sold at cheaper price then what its worth so you save about 5 gold, this company is also located in a high grain region.

Owner - LP's Company
Quality - 3
Export Licence - 4 USA, Spain, Hungary, Ireland
Location - Nsw, High
Price - NOW 100 Gold
Price its worth - 170Gold, SAVING 70 GOLD
Note - This is a real cheap price you save up to 50 gold!!, there is also 5 employees and over 100 stock in the company.


Green Wood
Owner - El_Gringo
Quality - 1
Location - NSW, Medium
Price - 22Gold
Price it worth - 20Gold
Note - This company is over charging buy 2 gold and will be contacted, but you never know Green Wood might be worth that extra 2 gold. Been contacted

Dinky Di Lumber - BOUGHT
Owner - LukeW50
Quality - 1
Location - NSW, Medium
Price - 15Gold
Price it worth - 20Gold
Note - Well, what can i say? this company you save 5gold and yes its on a medium wood region but there is no High regions in Australia.


Fair Dinkum Diamonds
Owner - General Enterprises
Quality - 1
Location - NT, High
Price - 23Gold
Price it worth - 20Gold
Note - This company over priced and will be contacted 😃 - Been contacted - It has 123.13 AUD inside.

High region, 2 licences - BOUGHT
Owner - CsernoBrazi
Quality - 1
Export licence - 1
Location - NT, High
Price - 29Gold
Price it worth - 40Gold
Note - Haha, the name lies it only has one licence but it is still rather cheap. You save 11 Gold 😃

Owner - Org-PT-AcE
Quality - 2
Location - NT, High
Price - 44Gold
Price it worth - 40Gold
Note - Again, this company is over priced and will be contacted, but maybe the 10 employees are worth 4gold 😒 - Been contacted - If you want to buy this company send a message to the owner (above 😁) .

LP's Diamonds - Not For Sale
Owner - LP's Company
Quality - 3
Export licence - 2 Indo, Hungary
Location - NT, High
Price - 180Gold
Price it worth - 130gold
Note - Wow, this company is very over priced and again will be contacted. This company can only sell to Indo and Hungary so you need to spend 5 gold a Aussie licence. Been contacted


Empire Iron
Owner - Empire Company
Quality - 2
Location - NSW, Medium
Price - 40 gold
Price it worth - 40 gold
Note - Priced good, in a medium region (Australia only has medium region iron).

Julia Perez Iron
Owner - Julia Perez and Brothers AUS
Quality - 1
Export licence - 1 Ireland
Location - NSW medium
Price - 40 Gold
Price it worth - 40 Gold
Note - Very well priced.

The rest of the companies will be coming soon, all the companies that are over priced will be contacted soon by me and we should see some prices being lowered.

If you are interested in the company i have linked all company pages and there owner, so you can contact them or buy straight way.

Minister of Industry