Communist party of Soviet Union elections tomorrow.

Day 572, 06:08 Published in Russia Russia by Maksim Chuikov

Evening, comrades. I thought I'd give you a quick update on the election situation.

These are the first inner-party elections in the CPSU since March, '09. Due to the limited personel, we have decided to only open the most important positions in the party. The aim of the party is to restart the planned economy and the Red Army project.

The CPSU still holds a stash on 61 000 RUB, which has been reserved entirely for the workers and intelligentsia of the CPSU. We are going to be restarting the food, gift and the needed raw material factories to support these industries first of all. The goal of the project is to produce enough food to supply the entire party. The workers' of the GOSPLAN factories will be gifted with the gifts they produce, until we can create a stable flow of gifts.

The Red Army is going to be created as a fully democratic organization. Due to the refusal from the FRP to reform the eRussian army into an English section aswell, the CPSU has decided to adopt the English language as the official language of that organization. However, I would like to point out that non-CPSU members can also run for the Commissar of Defence position, the highest ranking position in the Red army. We feel the defence force of eRussia should not be restricted to one party or one language only, but to all volunteers in eRussia. This is only to maximize the defence potential.

Onwards to the elections then. I would like to begin by explaining that the ingame party president means nothing to the actual organization. We elect our own Chairman in the forums. But I would like to stress to all CPSU members to vote for Mauricenakov Leonardovsky Zhuk. Due to unconfirmed reports from Karolina, that De La Voro Gangsterito is trying to take-over the CPSU party and reform it to one of his own, I urge you NOT to vote for De La Voro

Here's the current nomination list for the inner-party positions.

Peoples' Commissar of Defense and First Commander of the Peoples' Red Army

Nominees: Heymans

Peoples' Commissar of Trade and Labor and Chairman of the State Economic Planning Committee

Nominees: Maksim Chuikov

Cleansteve and BotherMe are also candidates for the two economical directors positions within the GOSPLAN program.

Peoples' Commissar of Foreign Affairs

Nominees: Nicholas Anatoliovich, Vladimir Yukashvili and Armin P.k

Secretariat: Bureau of Party Propaganda

Nominees: None, as of yet.

I would like to urge all party members to register on the forums and notify in the welcoming section if you haven't got the rights to see the election area yet. There is still time to nominate yourself or a candidate. The elections will start tomorrow, 15th June and will be open until 16th June.

Head editor of the
Yezhyednyevniye Kommuna,
- Maksim Chuikov.