Communication Communication Communication

Day 811, 15:40 Published in Thailand Thailand by Jimmy_Miller

If the last week in eThailand has shown us anything it is the importance of a strong media and informing the masses of what we have to offer. In recent weeks some great work has been done promoting and developing the eThai military. Military lovers now have a purpose, something to aspire too and a great way to integrate with other Thai players, this among many other things is a great thing to shout about and develop our nation.

One key player who has been doing just that is Loouman and his paper the Thailand Express (Well worth subscribing). They have used their own gold to advertise our nation around the world which has strongly contributed to the increase in population of 30 citizens.

This helps increase tax revenues, improve efficiency of companies, increase competition leading to lower prices and build our community. I would like to welcome them all and hope to meet many more of our new players in the IRC over the next few days.

So what more can be done? Join the military; this will continue to expand in coming weeks. Join discussions in the IRC and run for congress later this month. Buy products from Thailand, food and weapons should be an everyday purchase for those with reasonable income. Considering starting a company? Now is a great time. The increase in citizens has occupied many of the jobs and so competition for wages is not too high. Running a company though is not easy and takes time and anyone considering doing this for the first time should chat to more experienced players on the IRC first, there are many things it is best NOT to do when setting up a company.

And finally communicate! Talk in the IRC, chat with your manager, set up a newspaper. The power of the media is huge and can help realise your political ambitions, attain a coveted media mogul medal, promote your business and make friends.

I will be trying to write at least one article per week and will also be launching a company newspaper for FFL Thai, communicating with staff and customers of FFL tickets and FFL weapons and hopefully some more future companies. I encourage everyone to vote and subscribe and to have their own say by writing more articles!