Communication#3 to the People of eFinland

Day 3,974, 12:37 Published in Finland Turkey by Walpole

Dear Finns,

And not so dear Finnish decision makers! 😛

As you might have noticed there has been no embargo legislation of eTr against eFinland for about ~10 days.

About 10 days ago, I contacted Samueru on Discord to inquire about whether there was change of mood in Finnish congress regarding to a peaceful resolution of our conflict.

In our conversations, I told him “we could easily formulate an appropriate language to put this apology issue behind us without harming anybody's dignity. We cannot do it ourselves. We need a Finnish counterpart to do that.

And he kindly asked me what what kind of an apology I had in my mind? (For the record, he is the first Finn ever asked this question to me ever)

And I gave him the following answer:

And, I added “As for the financial reparations... We can find a compromise solution, I believe. This is my personal idea; I have not consulted with my colleagues in the cabinet yet. Perhaps, instead of you paying reparation, we may devise a TW agreement, which will be beneficial to both our countries and enhance the possibility of future cooperation between us.

This back-channel dialogue between him and me was the reason why eTurkish congress postponed the vote on renewal of embargo legislation as a gesture of goodwill.

And, frankly speaking, I was quite hopeful for striking a treaty to end the hostilities between our countries as I eventually managed to explain that the apology that we demand has no whatsoever implication of “humiliation” to you Finns.

Alas, once again I was wrong in having high expectations from Finnish decision makers.

The rumor has it that both Finnish cabinet (previous one) and congress are against a deal. We don’t know yet about the stance of the newly elected government. Yet, odds look quite low for a positive change.

And, here we are.

Twice, I wrote to you in eFinland’s media. Twice, I tried to communicate. Twice, I counseled you that your decision makers were leading you into disaster. Twice I prophesied about your future. Twice you did not take it serious. Yet, twice I was vindicated.

Your decision makers have a twisted sense of perception, I must say. They confuse goodwill with humiliation, dialogue with treason and peacemaking efforts with weakness.

As I said in my previous article… What a bunch of witless clowns they are.

On the very day your eCountry is territorially coming fully under eTr control, they have no second thoughts, no self reflections, no self criticism about what they are doing wrong.

Here, in this third article of mine, I am here, but not for making prophecies or counseling. We have passed those points.

I am here to announce the following edict to inform you about the future roadmap of our affairs in Finnish context.

Here it is:

1- Unless a mutually agreed treaty is signed and ratified soon, a new and this time perpetual embargo legislation will be voted at the discretion of eTr congress and cabinet.

2- If this second peacemaking effort of ours fail, there won’t be a third initiated by us. We will close the door of diplomatic dialogue, and keep it closed until Finns “officially” come and knock our door.

3- As far as our affairs with Finland concerned, we hereby declare the authority of Finnish congress is NULL and VOID. We no longer recognize them. We will not seek a dialogue with them. We will not accept an attempt of dialogue by them. We will not accept an attempt of dialogue by any Finnish government, which binds its decisions to Finnish congress.


P.S. Not from him, but from another source, I heard that Samueru became a target of unfair and vicious attacks in the Finnish congress since he took part in the peacemaking effort that I initiated. For the record, there are 2 Finnish guests in our Discord channel, and he was the only online one at the time of our conversations. Therefore, I wrote to him. And he was kind and perceptive enough to recognize the merits of my offer, and convey it to Finnish decision makers. That is all.

@Samueru. Sorry buddy, for the inconveniences that I unconsciously caused. I did not have a slightest anticipation of it. If I did, I would not dare putting you in such a position. I wholeheartedly apologize.

BONUS: And now the rains weep o'er his halls. With no one there to hear!