Communication#2 to the People of eFinland

Day 3,951, 13:05 Published in Finland Turkey by Walpole

Dear Finns,

Since your "decision makers" stably remain handicapped in everything, including forming communication channels, I am writing this article to inform you about this bottomless pit that they have pushed you into.

I believe you all know the prologue of the story. If you don't, click on the following link:

Though you committed a terrible crime against us, though we had no obligation to be kind, we offered you a hand of peace as we were interested more in justice than revenge.

Yes we demanded an apology. Yes we wanted you to confront your past, so you would not repeat it again in the future.

And yes, your decision makers, instead of inquiring about what kind of an apology demanded, perceived it as "humiliation" and witlessly rejected our hand of peace.

Our principle demand is still the same.

Rest assured that it shall remain the same in the future.

We wrote at the end of our previous article, I quote: "Responsibility of whatever implications befallen to your country from this point forward solely belongs to your decision-makers as we wash our hands clean."

The question of when you will pull yourselves out of this situation of your own making solely depends on your "awakening" from your delusions.

If you ask of who these "decision makers" are, that brings us to hilarious part of this article.

eFinland has a weird system of government. There are heavy-weight experienced players. There is a president and his/her cabinet. And there is a parliament, which is mostly full of clueless idiots who have no whatsoever understanding of game or logic.

It is ridiculous that somehow this clueless parliament of yours is the top authority not only shaping your foreign policy but also making the final decisions. And, neither your president and his cabinet, nor your heavyweight experienced players do anything to stop them wreaking havoc your country.

Finland in RL has an education system being the envy of whole world. Yet, it seems most of the Finns occupying seats in eFinnish parliament somehow miraculously dodged the opportunity of extracting anything useful out of Finnish education.

What a bunch of witless and clueless clowns they are. As if they were born and bred in a barn before they were catapulted into this game without making any stops in between.

Though we did not anticipate, plan or desire, your parliament has managed to convert you guys into our subjects.

Lordship comes with its responsibilities to subjects. In this context, and in the spirit of adapting the principles of globally admired Finnish education, let me give you this little educational advise for free and for your own salvation:

Start a coup to topple this travesty of parliament at once!

If you don't, you have no alternative but keep tumbling downhill.
