Common sense, It's not that common

Day 1,383, 13:00 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Anyone up for getting real yet?

Let's look at things clearly, toss in some simple facts, pretend we are people. The trolling has become massive, with little fact, lotsa accusations and little value. I guess that's standard in a CP campaign, lies, accusations, lotsa fluff. But this month it's got a new aspect.

I'm deeply dissapointed Treian didn't get his nomination. I have always been a believer everyone deserves their chance and a one way CP race is no race and is as unfair to the winner as anything. The way this is playing out is completely disappointing in many ways.

I've published alot of articles over the past week but right from the tart I addressed one issue, political apathy. I spoke about it in length so I see no reason to repeat myself now, however,lets look at the results. It would look like I became the defacto choice for CP right? No of course not, because it's suddenly a big deal, but lets look at what happened.

An open poll was presented on the MAP forums with clear voting rules. Venom's screenshot is real. Three people were put up for nomination because they declared they were running ingame. Rolo was disqualified as a known criminal, that's a fact and no respectable party would nominate him. I make no excuses for that, fact is fact. I shouted, I posted the link to party members, nobody voted. Venoms nominated for 2 persons that were said thaty would not be counted. That is all. The vote was open and viewable so nobody could deny the results. I wanted to use an org system and let Muglack count the results but he refused. The vote is as it looks, it's right there and viewable. As PP i tried to cover the party's inactivity, i did, but the wanted it known so it's out, nobody voted.

Let's carry on to the next phase.

Personal attacks and lies. It seems I'm 'anti something, cutting MU funding'. Has anyone even read my articles? Treian was the one talking about tax cuts. If you read back and look I actually said I'm not for tax cuts at this time and wanted to get into a NE war. I did say I believe in a balanced budget. This only makes sense you can't spend what you do not have. I'm seriously interested to know how Treian talked about cutting taes but can magically increase MU funding. It's not rocket science, you can only spend what you have, that's it, no magic to it.

I somehow believe I should call an end this article as running on too long I don't support. But I can think of a saying that somehow seems to fit this situation...

..Common Sense, it's not all that common....

I'll leave you with that

Till next time,