Coming At Ohio!

Day 731, 14:00 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton


I’m making my run for the Ohio seat!
I’m running under the AAP this time
(I’ll try to make this as short as possible)

Index: (because I am incapable of writing a short article.)


Who Am I?
Why Do I Want To Run?
Why Vote Newton?
My Stances
Traditional Quote



For those of you who don't know me, let me describe myself.
I am a 2x Congressman, 2x Ambassador and an Army man.
I have been in the Conservative's Parties High Council, and am now serving the Democrats (Game Mechanics Party) on the Elders Council.


-I learned something. I learned that some other eCountries have a far better way to keep Congress accountable, and have a better system in place to get those who deserve to be in, in. I would love to bring that to America.

The way to keep Congress accountable is rather simple actually.
All you have to do is..

-Drop Ins. (send them PM's. both in game, and in forum.)
-Activity Checks. (see what they are doing in congress, and "grade" them. Crash n burn got a great start on this.)

As for the deserving getting in, listen to this.
Some political parties as you questions before you can run (AAP, USWP, Feds (i think.)) But some other countries go farther.
They actually have a Congressional Committee devoted to getting good people in. They have a whole check list to go through for each candidate.
The result?

They have a pretty decent congress. (this is the short version.)


-I listen to both sides of the issue before making a decision.
-I always put my country first.
-I'm such an old player now, (anyone remember Scrabman?) that my experience alone is a great reason why to vote me in.
-I'm a very approachable person, and love to hear feedback, both positive and negative.


Let's make this short.
I am Anti-PEACE*, and I would love to stick it to them. In a way that wouldn't bite us in the butt, of course.

I love our allies, but I don't want to join EDEN.

I don't mind expanding the Broalliance, as long as we don't get overextended.

Taxes are good as they are, low enough while still being effective.

Educating people is good, and is best done by Political Parties/TD.

I love the Military

I love Emerick



"Newton will stalk your forums until he knows where all of you live, and then the killings will begin o.o"--Hekter, Chairman of Sol.

"Joe Newton has been an astounding Elder for the Democrats. He has a good work ethic, solid skills and experience and works tirelessly for the good of the eUS"-Harrison Richardson, Former President of the United States, Currently serving as the Democratic Party's PP.

"Joe Newton is a hell of a great guy and I'd love to see him in Congress because I like the way that he looks at the world. He's bright and interested in how the game works and those are two qualities that spell success in eRep." -Scrabman, Former President of the United States, Currently serving in Canada's Congress.

"Thoughtful, Active, Excited. These are the attributes that come to mind when I try and describe both the ideal candidate for congress and Joe Newton. If you find yourself in the US, and Joe is in need of votes to make it into congress, you'd search a long while before find a better candidate to vote for." -James Harding, Army man, Former Congressman, and Democratic Party Elder.

If you have any more questions or comments or anything at all, PLEASE feel free to leave a comment or PM me or anything!
Don't forget to vote and subscribe!
Vote Joe Newton in Ohio on November 25th

Traditional Quote:

"I like Joe Newton and the reason I like Joe Newton is because he only kicks other men in the balls when it's really necessary!"

--Matt of W (an old player who endorsed me in my first run in congress.)

* means any country that is hostile towards the eUS or our bros.