Coming at Florida

Day 637, 12:49 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

Fellow Americans:

Fellow Floridans:

I’m running for congress again. This will be my 3rd time. We desperately need some good people in congress who know what they are doing, and have experience. I know what I’m doing, and I’m experienced. I’m also ridiculously loyal to the eUS, to the point that there is currently only 5 states left, and I’m still running. I want to make the US great again, but I need your help!

Why I should be Your Congressman:

Here’s a brief overlook of why, if you don’t actually wanna read this entire article:

1. I have experience.
2. Oh, and to all it may concern: I’m a CVP member. (who is currently not campeinging for new people to sign up, but putting all its money and effort into preparing for RWs)
3. I know what I’m doing.
4. I’m loyal to America. (even when fellow senators are hopping ship)
5. I consider both sides of an argument before making a decision.
and 6:

I will see PEACE out of America, if it’s with my dying breath!
(you can take that as a policy statement)

Now for more indepthness:

I feel nothing can explain my positions better than my track record itself, so without further ado:

My track record

I didn’t abandon our allies, and I won’t abandon our allies. And guess what else?
I don’t abandon the eUS--ever! I won’t be a stanwick and take the first jet to Ireland once the situation in the eUS looks hopeless. No, never. I will stay and fight with my bare hands if I have to for the eUS! And I will see peace out of America, even if it takes months.

I support Emerick. He is the President, and as such, he deserves some respect, even if you disagree with some of his ideas. I don’t tend to agree with all the ideas he has, but he’s a good leader, and I’d re-elect him. (probably)

I’m a very available person. I’m on the IRC most everyday and on the US forums everyday. I love to hear feedback, be it positive or negative so give me a PM! I’d just love to hear from you!


I proposed a Q5 DS in Kansas way back when. This was during the HR/Franco administration. The war had already started, and HR jumped on the idea and wanted it. But one benn dover, who had offered to pay for one, was suddenly unavailable for weeks. The result was that we lost Kansas. Not for lack of trying however, both me and the President sent him PM’s and did everything but send him a bomb in his mailbox to get him to wake up. If my idea had been done, Kansas wouldn’t have been lost. Or at least not as quickly.

This session in congress, being one of the few Senior congressmen, and one of the very few active ones I fixed the budget and allotted over 300g more to Military, simply by fixing the budget.

I also did a proposal that got killed due to scrabman being away for awhile, but I’m going to try and resurrect. It was “Proposal: Media Baron”. Basically the idea consisted of this: PEACE has Glados. Who do we have? Nobody. My idea was the make scrabman our glados. He jumped on board it got passed, and then we got invaded and it hit the backburner.

There are a lot of other things I’ve voted on, added important info to by discussions with Congress and other things. We need some leadership and experience in congress, and it would be a crying shame if we had only Florida and a newbie congress. Don’t let that happen. Elect Newton!

My Endorsements

"Newton has been very active in the Conservative Party and has great potential to being an excellent congressman. If you don't vote for Newton, you might as well had thrown your vote away" --Evry, 2 time Congressman for the state of Missouri. CVP council member. Member of the Military Committee

"Newton has been very involved in politics since I first met him when he had just started playing. He follows every political move and makes very wise decisions." --DC (Dodgercatcher)

“Newton's shotgun marriage to Angie will provide him enough experience to click a vote button.”--Hekter, CvP Party Whip

"Newton will stalk your forums until he knows where all of you live, and then the killings will begin o.o"--Hekter, CvP Party Whip

"I like Joe Newton and the reason I like Joe Newton is because he only kicks other men in the balls when it's really necessary! And it’s necessary now!"--Matt of W

"Joe Newton has taken an active role in the CVP, and I now believe it is time that he move his responsibility onto the higher stage. Newton's eagerness and vigilant responsibility makes him more than ready for the job. Help make the new CVP as great as it can be by trusting me when I say--vote for Joe Newton in Florida August 25th!" --Mattoze5

If you have any more questions or comments or anything at all, PLEASE feel free to leave a comment of PM me of anything!
Don't forget to vote and subscribe!
Vote Joe Newton in Florida on August 25th

Traditional Quote:

“He is polite with dignity, affable without formality, distant without haughtiness, grave without austerity; modest, wise and good.”
-said of George Washington

See ya'll next time

Blazix is my official Campeign Councelor