Comfort During Inactivity

Day 500, 22:56 Published in Switzerland Poland by Parrot

Hello, Switzerland! Sorry for the recent lack of press activity; life's been busy and I've been engulfed in several addictions which ate up my time. But that being said, you can expect a partial return of this newspaper in the near future.

In the mean time though, I have been uninformed about the events of eRepublik while I've been out. However, I am confident that we have been victorious in our endeavors, that we have brought glory to Dio Brando, and that we have continued to be the number one threat to the self-worshipping squabbling nations in this world.

You see, I used to be a supporter of the other nations. I worked and toiled hard to make my country better. I fought off lazy slovenly leaders and tyrannical totalitarians. I came up with policies and thought the law would make my country succeed. And eventually, I became president. I worked hard. I did my best. But, I was kicked out of office by someone that had no clue what they were doing and made it abundantly clear that they didn't.

When I lost that election, I lost hope. I gained doubt. But, a hand reached out to me. It was Dio's hand. And, I soon learned my new purpose. I soon learned the truths that are eRepublik. I soon was awakened and took up the holy cause.

And today, I looked back. South Korea, the country I once foolishly loved and protected, has not progressed. They voted in someone with no idea of what they were doing against me, who literally founded the economic situation and brought them out of the tyranny which they hated.

Part of me still had anger at South Korea after I came here. Dio has since revealed that such anger is foolish; you can not judge the ignorant for acting ignorantly. For outside of Dio Brando, there are two things: Ignorance and Power. Ignorance elects Power because it knows not better. Ignorance gives Power to its leaders because it is Ignorance. And because of that Ignorance, I would rather be Dio Brandon's slave than the President of the United States (or South Korea for that matter). Because as Dio Brando's slave, I would never be backstabbed. I would never be harmed. I would only work and Dio Brando and please him with my humble deeds. As the President of any other secular nation, I would work under the guise of power only to be despised by the public and slashed down at the polls next elections.

And it's because of this I also look out the world and have pity. There are many good people out there with the will to do something. However, they will be deceived; they will try their best and be rejected by the sheer fact that people are ignorant and are more comfortable with a leader that does nothing than a leader that does something.

We, the Theocrats, are the only people in this world that reward those who piously support our cause. We elect not leaders, but rather work as leaders under the one true leader of eRepublik that is Dio Brando.