Colorado Congressional Article

Day 1,159, 18:20 Published in USA USA by JDR1986

I am running for Congress in Colorado for the January/February session. Over the last 18 months I have ran and won in several states. However I am delighted that this month I was chosen to represent my rl home state. After taking some time off from the national scene I am ready to once again advance my position there.

I am qualified for the following reasons:
I am native to Colorado both ingame and in rl.
I am a four time Congressman
I was IES Chair for 2 months.
I have vast experience in leadership roles in the Federalist Party.
For 18 months I have served as a blocker/candidate and a mobile voter in every election. This has allowed me to serve in the best interests of the country at all times.

I support the lowering of Income taxes. However I do not believe that a bill solving both budget issues and lowering taxes will be released in the near future.

I support a strong, well funded military. I will vote against any tax decreases that removes funding from the military or militias.

I support PANAM and any alliances that come of this new alliance.

I support Domestic programs that increase ingame recruitment or retention as long as they can be shown to be effective. I will look into these programs for data this month and make cuts where needed.

I will work with members of each party and come up with solutions to solve military and domestic issues.

Thank you and please vote for me in Colorado on the 25th.

Stay Proud till next time.