Colonial Times: Congress

Day 556, 19:52 Published in USA Peru by vsmsh

Everyday the ePolish and eSwedish attack our ally, eGermany. Now we are letting them "finish up taking land" from them. This is wrong, have you ever thought about what their true intentions might be? Many Americans HELP defend eGermany, you can see its not so easy for them to take a region when we have no wargames or need to help another ally. So I think they are just wanting to ally so they could start to actually take more places. So if you are a congressman reading this article, please vote NO to the peace treaty with eSweden.

Also if you have spare wellness, please help defend a area in eGermany. Even one click will do!
Fight in : Poland -> Bavaria.

Vote/subscribe if you agree. More detailed articles coming in the next few weeks!