Collinar,the story teller is wanted!Joke of impeachment against CDV!

Day 882, 22:48 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Hiyamoon

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Referring to the CDV's article which was published in few hours ago,an impeachment against our current country president,CDV was proposed by Collinar.Admittedly,I have heard about the news from someone before the impeachment was proposed.I was shocked and puzzled by the news as it was unbelievable that Collinar would propose the impeachment surprisingly against CDV.

It is believed that Collinar has informed every congressman in FUP to vote yes for the impeachment. I,too,have received the message from Collinar as I am a congressman too.
This is the message from Collinar:

Tommorow will start a impeachment against our president CDV after he had made terrible mistakes in the building and the defence of the country. As a FUP member not only you need to vote yes for a new dawn in eMalaysia but for ww88 to catch the position!
Be ready and vote YES tommorow as it is the most important vote you will ever do!
Collinar, Supreme Commander of eMalaysia
Hasif, Party President of the Federal Unity Party!

Apparently,our famous story teller,Collinar was trying to persuade and convince congressman to vote Yes for the impeachment.I have asked our current FUP party president,Wan Muhammad Hasif,surprisingly he told me that he didn't agree with the CDV's so-called mistake and the proposal too.Alas,the story teller was using his name to inform everyone and the message was more likely to an order from FUP.

Obviously,Collinar never respect Hasif as his PP.Furthermore,Collinar told Hasif that WW88 and Spykerman were involved in the plan.Very funny,I strongly believe that every congressman an FUP has informed by Collinar few hours ago,and congressman were asked to vote 'NO' for the proposal.In my opinion,Collinar is treating congressman as voting machine.

All in all,Collinar has lost my respect and cannot be trusted anymore.Hopefully my so-called senior can explain for himself and prove that you are innocent.Good luck to Collinar but alas,you were sacked by someone.

Best regards,