Collapse Is Inevitable, Why Delay It?

Day 721, 18:54 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Edit: Click here to read the New and Improved Armoured Voice

Honestly, this is becoming ridiculous, all of these attacks on neutral countries Peace is doing.

Let’s just all assume for a moment that we live in the ancient Roman Empire, and that each country is a gladiator. Basically, the Indonesia gladiator is about to throw itself into the middle of a group of Over 20 enemies
Of course, as soon as the Indonesian gladiator steps foot near them, he will be beaten senseless, and stabbed to death.

So why on earth would you do that?

Because Indonesia is too concerned about the present to care about the consequences of this war.

You see, Indonesia is an old, worn out gladiator, while all of his enemies are younger, and becoming more powerful by the day. Indonesia seems to think that by jumping into the crowd of enemies, he will become stronger.

Well I got news for you Indonesia, opening a war against someone with 20+ alliances is not a good way to become stronger. Sure, you might get lucky and spark a small baby boom of sorts, but even that will only last as long as the war lasts, which may not be long.

In fact, you are also likely to spark a baby boom in Malaysia, because if history has shown us anything, it’s that getting conquered is the way to becoming a super power. Oh yea, I almost forgot, you’re also turning the entire SOL alliance against you, effectively surrounding yourself with enemies.

Why Indonesia really willing to risk a ridiculous move, just to delay the inevitable? Empire’s always fall, and they need to remember that. Norway’s fell, Romania’s fell, and Indonesia’s is currently falling.

You can’t stop it, total collapse happens to every single empire in this game, and now it’s your turn.