Collaborators make a United Australlia impossible

Day 488, 04:48 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

While those like the craven cowards of 'The Socialist Australlia' call for us to surrender our hard won (and expensive) independence to eIndonesia, to fight for it against ATLANTIS, to risk massive repercussions from our allies in the UK and the US, I on the other hand say no.
We should do all we can abroad to disrupt eIndonesia, we should help wage Resitsance Wars abroad supported by other forginers. We do not however have the numbers, weapons or ability to fight here at home to liberate regions such as Tazmania.

But this does not mean we should support the brutal imperial power of eRomania like the Australlian Legion calls for. At the moment we have Australlians on both sides of the war fighting each other. Our country (such as it is) is not united. We are a fractured land, politicaly, socialy, millitarly and economicly. We must unite and reverse our home problems first before we can begin to even think about liberation. Then once we are a thriving prosperous nation we must throw of the shakles and become one nation that is in full control of all of it's home regions.

Thank you for listening. And One final message

Reject the lies of paper such as 'The Socialist Australlia' and 'Australian Legion'