Coalition of Leftist Tendencies

Day 1,334, 13:18 Published in Austria Austria by Alex Lorre

So I meant to write this article BEFORE I was elected to be the new party president of the D.E.S.U. Party but real life had me a bit swamped and I didn't manage to accomplish this. But now, and without further ado, I present to you an outline of the new and improved direction I have in mind for the party which I now preside over.

Before I came to eAustria, I was an eAmerican and a proud member of the Socialist Freedom Party. The SFP is by far one of the coolest (and probably THE coolest) parties in this game. Period. Not only were the members active, smart, dedicated, and full of ideas, but they were also great people all around and I am forever privileged to know them. In addition they are one of the few parties in this game that actually stand for something different than the usual kill, make empire, exploit resources kinda scheme most parties all find ideal. They had principles and brought innovation and problem solving into this game and made it loads of fun for me and everyone else in the party.

All that being said about THEM, I want to help nurture a similar party here in my new home of eAustria. Therefore I ran for party president of the D.E.S.U. Party and, with no competition, won. With that accomplishment I am now tasking myself with organizing this somewhat lackluster party into a party fit for competing with the other Austrian parties in the political arena, as well as fostering a strong kinship between all the members who can and chose to be active enough to participate in such. So with that general theme in mind lets talk about my more specific plans.

First off I named the party C.o.L.T., which stands for Coalition of Leftist Tendencies, and made the logo a colt holding a red flag in its mouth with the party acronym written across it. However this name is by no means the official name and, along with the description and logo, is fully subject to change. I myself am an anarchist and thus want the most democraticly run party possible and this wouldn't be possible if I was unflinching on the name and stuff. So, assuming people actually do talk to me within the party, I hope to get some ideas for either a new name and logo and stuff or at least a consensus that this name is acceptable to everyone else.

Next I'm trying to get a sub-forum set up on the eAustrian forums so that we can chat and discuss with each other in our own private setting. There we can debate possible names and such, eAustrian political maneuvers, potential commune ideas, or just chat with each other about real life stuff, political or otherwise. There is also the IRC channel for the party, #42, which I'd hope more people would start to frequent and further improve our party communication and sense of unity.

I also plan to run for congress again in the next elections under our party banner and I would love to see other people in the party wishing to do likewise. If no one else has the time, energy, or will then that's totally cool just if they do they should stand up and run so that we can utilize the actual purpose of parties in this game, being the accumulation of political leverage.

However I don't want our party to be just another no values party that runs people simply to run them and fill seats. Therefore I want to set up a general platform for our party with the input from all the members. We can debate and discuss this on our sub-forum and reach a consensus on things we can all work towards in any of our government positions. This way when we run people for congress or have people in ministerial positions (or maybe even as president some day) we can have a clear agenda that we want to work towards for the betterment of eAustria. As this is intentionally a coalition party I don't expect or desire extremely specific guidelines for our platform that would alienate anyone that would otherwise wish to be included in our efforts. However we do need SOME direction and guidelines so that other people in eAustria will know generally what we stand for and can see how our efforts pan out.

With all that said I would also love to see our membership increase, however I realize that eAustria doesn't have a large population and so long as we can retain at least a few active people to champion our struggles I will be happy no matter our numbers.

So if you consider yourself some manner of leftist and like what you are reading then please, please, please, with a red flag on top, join the party and help me and everyone else to make these goals possible.

Thanks for reading and peace to everyone!