Co-Operation investors Report

Day 627, 10:07 Published in Japan Slovakia by Madheadquaters

Must apologize to everyone, When I first started this I had lots of time to play the game, Then life happened.

It has been 6 months since my last report, have just kind of been pushing the buttons for the longest time. Had time for awhile to sell off most of the origanol companies and trade up to better companies as well as upgrade some to Q2.

The easiest way for me to operate the Co-op was to merge all divisions together and work them as one. doing this has made it real to run these companies.

So now what we have is one division and it is doing very well. I will work on a share holders statement and post what everyone's shares are now worth. It makes more sense to treat all of you as shareholders that own stocks. and I will be working on the value of those shares and who has how many shares. By the weeks end you will know what you invested and what your shares are now worth, and you can sell them to others to get your gold cashed out.

Current Assets

3 Organizations.......................15 gold

2 Q1 housing...........................40 gold

1 Q2 housing...........................40 gold

1 Q2 weapons w/ 2 licenses......80 gold

1 Q1 Gift w/ 1 license...............40 gold

1 Q1 moving............................20 Go

Asset worth............................235 gold

This is only the cost of the companies that are owned, selling them the value will be less than posted, this is there par purchase price. This figure does not include Inventory and monies currently working in these companies

Total initial Investments by all share holders is was 144 gold. Or 36 shares total

Additionally all money that I make is is returned to the company, and 4 out of the 5 gold that I earn is invested in the co-op, and the 5th gold is donated to the company. as well as the monies earned by a second party, Madshouse.

Current stock and money


Cash estimate..........25


total........................77.31 gold, This is current operating funds and supplies.

These are rough estimates and are based on current exchanges and market prices paid and selling value of items on market. Error should be 5% give or take.

Current estimated worth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,..= 312 gold

So we have 36 shares that were purchased at 4 gold each = 144 gold

Total profits for the 6 month period.................................. ..= 168 gold

Current estimated share worth per share............................= 8.67 per share

These figures are within 5% error as of 8-8-09
Current estimated worth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,..=