Closing Arguments: Kylero for CP

Day 1,049, 09:54 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

My fellow countrymen/women,

Tomorrow you will decide who will lead our country into the future. I hope you make the right choice! I want to present myself as that right choice, and I will tell you why...

I am sick and tired of being bored, and I know you are too! I understand, which I don't think many of my detractors do, that not everyone wants to visit an extra site everyday (i.e. the forums), although I encourage you to do so. With that said, however, that should not be the only way to get involved. Month after month, CP election after election, people say, "we need people to be active on the forums", and what does that get us? Well, its gets us what we have now; the same people in the same positions. Obviously, people want it to be easier to be involved, however my opponents continue to espouse the same rhetoric. I understand that you just want to play the game, for whatever purpose you desire.

I know many want to be involved in politics, it is fun. Making laws for our country, coming up with new ideas, responding to the voice of the people! I encourage everyone to try it out, its the only way we can ensure a healthy political environment!

Economics, well, as it stand is hard to get into. Saving up the gold for a business, then realizing how much work it is and how little you make is a learning experience. But people enjoy doing it, if they're good at it, obviously I wasn't. However, when the new countries are added, markets will open up.

Then there's those of us who enjoy the military aspect of the game. Being in units, being commissioned as an officer, or joining the ranks of enlisted soldiers, getting orders, serving your country. This is where I find the eBelgian experience lacking. I want to let you know, that I care about your gaming experience whatever it may be. I want to raise a strong military, equipped with weapons, tanks, artillery guns, tanks, fighter jets.

Bottom line, I want what you want. I will listen to the people, and act accordingly. With this said, I understand that some may not want to go to war just yet. I understand this! I previously said, and continue to run on a platform that will see that we go to war with the Dutch. Now, as much as I want to do this, I get a strong feeling that the Congress won't approve the declaration of war. That is their right, and if they are indeed speaking on behalf of their constituencies, I will abide by their, and your wishes. I want you to remember however, that is was the Dutch that ignited hostilities between our two nations. They were the ones that threatened to invade us a couple months ago, and they were the ones that advertised in our country for citizens to leave and join their country. They are responsible for our dwindling population, and until very recently, they stopped the advertisements. Much after the damage was done. I am willing to compromise on going to war so soon, but know that I will not take kindly to Dutch aggressors. It will not be tolerated under my administration.

So, in conclusion, I think we have two choices tomorrow. We can go the way we have been going, allowing the same people who have made this country a ghost town to keep trying what they've been trying. Those that forget what it was like to be a two-clicker. Those who can't understand why people are so inactive, using the excuse of "we're active, so they should be". Or we can go a new way, my way! The way that understands why people don't get too involved in the game. The way that will give people what they desire. That will not maintain the status quo of yesterday, but will propel eBelgium into the future, into progress!

I understand that this article will be met with criticism by people who have already made their minds up. But to my supporters, remember that these detractors are a small fraction of the electorate, and you have the opportunity to make your voice heard, regardless of how they will vote. I admire MaryamQ for her service to our country. But I take issue with the same failed policies of the past. We need to move forward, and you will have that opportunity tomorrow! Vote wisely my friends!

