Clorox2: A Trusted Household Name

Day 1,433, 12:58 Published in USA USA by Clorox II

Friends, countrymen, colleagues,

I’m in my third year of eRepublik play. Up to this point I have participated as a combatant, solo at first, working with the South Africans to liberate their regions from Brazilian oppression years ago. Later, I fought with the Irish Defense Forces, also early in my player development. Over the last two years, and as an eAmerican citizen I’ve participated as part of the now defunct Seal Team Seven before transitioning to Seal Team Six,

Seal Team 6: "When you care enough to send the very best" (Sign up today!)

where I am now a platoon commander of the most potent ST6 'toon. This has been good fun and now, as a more seasoned player, I think that I can take on additional responsibility and make meaningful contributions to eUSA government as well.

In this premiere edition of Mews of the World it is with great pleasure that I announce my USWP candidacy for congressional representative from The Great State of New Mexico! With help from you, in the form of shouts, PM’s, and subtle threats, we can bring New Mexico into what I like to call the “MEW-MEXICO’ era.

Part of my election strategy has included yet another avatar change. Some of you may have noticed (maybe not), that when it comes to avatars I don’t maintain any particular theme that would bring to mind the name CLOROX2. This has meant no unimaginative jugs or boxes of stain-fighting substances. This works for me because it is less restrictive and allows for the unencumbered quest for coolness in an avatar. Some may associate my online name with past avatars featuring the likenesses of Bono, of U2,

Muhammad Ali,

the Zig-Zag Man,

Snoopy, as The World War I Flying Ace,

Luke Cage, Hero-For-Hire, or Captain America,

Samuel L. Jackson, from Pulp Fiction and a Ramones logo, among many others.

In running for office, I had to come up with an avatar that reflects an identity that would have widespread political appeal to the voting masses. In choosing Puss ‘n’ Boots (Pn😎, of “Shrek” fame (voiced by Antonio Banderas and now starring in his own feature-length presentation coming to a theater near you), I have scored a major coup. First, marketing surveys have shown that PnB scores high on the cute and cuddly index and has great electability among the ladies, er, uh, female voters (especially Banderas fans).

I have calculated that the PnB avatar has tremendous appeal among the Frostonian “Kitteh” voting block and the Draakonian “Most Interesting Man in the World” beer drinking crowd. Genius, pure genius.

Please, take just a moment to look at the picture below. LOOK, I SAY!

Gaze into PnB’s eyes. That’s it. Now follow these directions:

Upon awakening on Tuesday, October 25, 2011, day 1435, go to your laptop computer, desktop computer, iPhone, iPad, iTouch, Palm Pilot, Nook Color, Kindle or other electronic device, log on to eRepublik, move to New Mexico, if you need to and do what is right for eAmerica!! CAST YOUR VOTE FOR CLOROX2!!! THAT’S CLOROX2 FOR CONGRESS, baby!!!

Altogether now: PnB! PnB! Clorox2! Clorox2! Clorox2!

Stay furry my friends.