CLN Party Program

Day 1,373, 12:33 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by groenewilde

Issue: Currently, only the high ranked and strong players of the Netherlands (the elites?) receive significant funding and resources to fight. This leaves other military units to struggle for themselves for resources and funding to improve their members rank and make a bigger impact in a campaign. This may also cause slower growth in military power and participation in the Netherlands.

Our answer: In our opinion, the government should provide packages with health and weaponry to all citizens who want to fight for their country by distributing these products through the MU's.

Private up to Lieutenant** 100 health and 5 q1 weapons
Lieutenant*** up to Colonel**** 200 health and 2 q5 weapons
All ranks higher than Colonel**** are so powerfull and rich that they should fend for themselfs, unless stated otherwise, like in emergencies.

Issue: The Netherlands' government originally functioned as a parliamentary democracy, with the executive formed by a coalition of congress members seeking the confidence of congress. This has since changed to a semi-presidential system. This system has issues in limiting representation in government, its effectiveness (between the legislative and executive branches) and poses issues to transparency. On the other side, this new system is quicker and more stable, and was developed in most countries in response to how the game is designed.

Our answer: The Congress is not only a safeguard for the people of our country, but should also actively engage in conversation with the leading figures of the eNetherlands, like they have done the last few months, and also with the citizens themselfs, who have single to none political influence. So as long as the President thoroughly discusses topics with the congress members, we see no problems here.

Issue: Poland has wiped us off the map several times and currently occupies two of our regions. In addition, the agreement made is set to expire soon.

Our answer: Due to the fact that we're such a small country, we'll have to engage in every talk about peace treaties and alike. Fortunately, we've shown Poland that we do have teeth by beating them in the Resistance War in the Western Netherlands, dealing a nice blow to the Polish. This gives aus a much better negotiation position.

Issue: The Netherlands was officially declared a dual language nation with Dutch and English on equal status. Over the past while, Dutch has been dominantly used in congress in forum conversation, causing difficulty for English speaking players who do not speak Dutch.

Our answer: As stated in the topic above, we're a small country, and therefore should have a politic centered on international coöperation, if we want to stand before giants like Poland. Therefore, we'll support the use of English as our primary language.

Issue: the economy has been dominated by older players, some of which have been in the past able to achieve significant power and near monopoly level. We need to improve economic participation, make it more accessible and include the say/direction of more players in our economy.

Our answer: Our idea is to set up shareholder companies, to make the economy more accessible. A group of people will provide the gold and/or money to set up a company and direct a manager, who will receive the funds and take care of the factory. He will also distribute shares of the gain of the company over the shareholders. This is all based on trust, which makes it very delicate, to say the least. Therefore, we as a party, and, perhaps later, as part of the government, will provide funds to ensure there is a safeguard against corruption. Furthermore, the untrustworthy manager should be banned from the forum and should not be actively engaged with in conversation.

Issue: The Netherlands recently started a coaching progam for new/inactive players. I, personally have been calling for this for a while (though that probably didn't impact its creation). The issue is, from my understanding, that the new/inactive players must be the one requesting a coach, leaving the majority of whom this program would benefit out of the loop.

Our answer: In our opinion, someone of the Ministry should check if there are new citizens and if there are new citizens, send them a message, explaining where and how they can ask for a coach if they need one, how to be active in the community by registering at the forum, that there is a small reward for registering here and all information needed, such as usefull links to pages on the wiki and perhaps newspaper articles and tutorials that might be of educative value.

Furthermore, a few small points:

Debates and votings go by without any information about them is displayed ingame. There should be a newpaper who publishes the debate with results ingame. This way our civilians would be more involved with discussions in congress.

Decisions made in congress could be offered as a referendum at the eNethelands forum. This way all citizens could give their vote in congress. Maybe some players could give some interesting information to contribute the debate.

As a final point, we are making certain offices inside the party itself and we still need a few people for this:"


[*]Chairman of Finances.
Person who takes care of the (to establish) shareholder companies, donations to and from our party and Military Unit and war packages for our soldiers. (I take it that you know what I'm referring to here. If you don't, please check out our manifestos or the party program)

[*]Party Representative
Person who takes care of the communication between our party and other countries and parties. (both the national and foreign ones) Also to take care of creating the party program (prezi presentation for example, be creative) and 'advertising' our party. (thus, making the party known to players to attract new members. Everyone is allowed to invite new members, but it will be easier if someone controls this. I would join a party sooner if I knew who to talk to and not just any party member)

Thank you for reading this, and it will be greatly appreciated if you would vote for the CLN during the elections!

Regards, the CLN.