Cleo pulls out at last minute, predicting a win for Bruck

Day 531, 16:51 Published in Canada Canada by John Wilkmot

That's right folks, the CSD has just switched its support from Cleomynestra Cathak to dabman of the CSD. Which can be seen here:

As you can see, the new situation is as follows:

CSD - dabman
CPP - Tom Hagen
CEP, PPC, LRP - Bruck
PNQ - Miloslav

There are also rumors that the CPP may change his cantidate. I think we can call it a win for Bruck at this point with the former CPP-DAL-CSD alliance in shambles.

Edit: It appears that the CPP is now supporting Bruck and that Cleo has actually quit erepublik itself. Amazing developments!