Clearly the best choice, CG4CP

Day 4,183, 22:37 Published in USA USA by chickensguys

Imagine picking up a P.G. Wodehouse book and thinking, I can't read this; I will feel too guilty. I must instead re-read the various ways of piercing the corporate veil. ahh yes, the definition of soul-draining, Welcome to Law School, it's synonymous with hell.

With finals, hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles, and with the paltry sum of nearly a full ride in tuition on the line, I decided it would be an absolutely excellent time to author another fantastic article. That's right ladies and gentlemen, I don't do half measures, this is true love.

As you have noticed, I Mr. Chickensguys am on the ballot for President. This has happened through no fault of my own, I am purely a victim of circumstance. I know what you are thinking; "We have done this before" ; "Not Again" ; "TRAITOR". Yes, yes yes.

But consider my platform before dawning your filthy white hate gowns.

First, I support Big Womenz.

Second, I support sizeable fun.

Third, I support Big Money.

Fourth, I also promise to lead you to success and defeat all the bad boys.


My plan is in no way flawed. In fact, it is most excellent and has gotten the highest praise from several commentators. Even Rainy Sunday said "Despite my endorsement of the other guy, CG remains a beacon of sanity and hope for thousands and so I have changed my endorsement to CG." Emerick called me and stated, "CG sent me a few bucks when in prison, so I endorse him." Civil Anarchy wrote "CG was once my enemy, but now I am physically attracted to him, I am seeking help." CRoy said "I support CG and I have forsaken Bernie for Rand Paul and BARR did nothing wrong." Finally Wild Owl wrote me, "Please make me COS, I will be a good boy, I endorse you."

Thank you