Classes: Revisited, But Briefly

Day 876, 13:55 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

In v2, the dominant theme is that of choice. What is one going to choose to do, or be, or think.

However, one does not merely "make choices" with no regard to anything else. We would not call one a rational person who made choices merely for the sake of making choices. All choices inevitably involve some sort of evaluation: how is this good for me, for my community, for my country; is this really the best way to achieve my goals; do I like or hate the choice I am making; etc.

In a morally empty world like eRep, there are no philosophical principles guiding human interaction, and there is no "God of eRepublik." The choices we make here are based entirely upon what we want and how we want to have fun. Our choices here are thus always inherently selfish.

So, what motivates people in eRepublik? I can think of four broad categories:
(1) Money
(2) Media Influence
(3) Community
(4) Strength

Thus, if one appeals to any one of these motivations (e.g., "I will offer you 10 g if..." or "I'll fund Lana for you for 30 days if...&quot😉, one can persuade another person in eRep to do just about anything, just so long as it doesn't conflict with some other goal.

I want to look at one example that will be clear once v2 comes out.

"As a compensation, the ones working hard will receive not just more money, but also a greater increase of their profession skill! This is because of another improvement: the profession skill increase will depend on your actual productivity, just like in real life. Most likely you will want to work as healthy and happy as possible, to achieve the highest productivity. " -[New Economic Module] Time Management, eRepublik Insider

What is this effectively doing? Incentivizing working long hours at a high wellness and happiness. With long hours at high happiness and wellness, one can earn extra crash AND get a greater boost to their skills. And with higher skills comes the ability to earn MORE money even faster.

Thus, people whose prime motivation is becoming rich through earning money will find that working long hours isn't just a viable option---it is the most desirable one.

This further illustrates the principle I have been developing, that the eCitizenry will divide itself into two distinct classes. For this worker will want to do his best to put all of his wellness and happiness into developing his professional skill. He will want to boost his skill as fast as he can in order to make more money. And the more this is the case, the less he is going to want to "waste" time training or fighting.

I might also note that this incentive to work long hours is strong.

Just my considerations for the day. I'm anxiously awaiting the next insider.
