Cl4trap Strikes Again!!

Day 1,157, 08:13 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

He just doesn't know when to quit!

Admin in their infinite wisdom decided not to let the 3 new countries be PTO'd in their first month. So they set a few citizens up with congress powers.

This meant you actually had to actually apply for citizenship rather than just moving to one of the countries and automatically getting it. A great little plan to avoid a PTO situation don't you think?

Unfortunately however, they decided Cl4trap (our wonderful, universally hated, 2x PTOing president and destroyer of Norway) was an excellent choice to be one of the UAE's ATO citizens.

He is currently letting in all of little Russian friends so they can completely dominate congress elections in 4 days time.

Well done Admin, well done, you have doomed UAE to the most painful birth possible. It will lose all of its treasury the moment congress elections are finished. Well done. A nice opportunity to expand in the Middle-East crushed in the very first moment. You may as well delete the country.
