Civil War is Coming (gradually) to Erepublik !

Day 1,140, 13:14 Published in Turkey Turkey by siyahsovalye55

New Purpose for Lana

According to the Serbian media, the Admins have begin tests on Serbs on a proto-type Civil War module on erepublik:

These updates will reform Erepublik's Political and War Module dramatically if made.

The President will actually be able to appoint a cabinet, and there will be a proper government and opposition government.

Parties will be able to unite and start Civil Wars in which they intend to seize power after experiencing failure from the Government. Rebels can use different weapons such as Molotov Cocktails, which are described as "effective" but will fight against pro-Government police forces, army forces...

Battle for Central Belgrade, yes regions will be divided into pieces in Civil War

You will have a map of each region/city generated using Google Maps which will allow players to pin point and secure certain buildings.

You can bribe congress man and do all sorts of crap. Because the article is written in Serbian, I cant really exactly say what is included but this is what I have grasped using google translate.

It should be out after 2011s summer holidays (September or October), as a result of the bugs...

I am guessing it will be next year, if ever considering how hard it has been in erepublik history to manage bugs..

Pray this Update wont be a fail like "V2 Rising" which actually died...

If this does happen, imagine the massive impact it will have on countries... Of course it will result in more Gold spending which is typical...

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