Citizens of eAustralia - Serbians conspire to take our resources

Day 1,006, 05:15 Published in Australia Australia by Dean Kong

Thanks to our extensive intelligence branch and the tireless work of our agents, we have discovered that there is a plan in the pipeline between two of Phoenix's major players: eIndonesia and eSerbia.

You see, Serbia wants Titanium. But not just any Titanium, they want High Titanium. The driving force behind any major army in v2 rising of eRepublik. And where can they get High Titanium? Well very few places. eCanada, who are much too strong for them, eRussia who wont give it up, eSouth Africa who are too far out of the way. So who does that leave? That's right, little old eAustralia, who sadly are controlled by a group of people who don't have her best interests at heart.

So how do they plan to get to Northern Territory and take our precious High Titanium? Well that's where the roll of eIndonesia comes in. Being the crafty, coniving little country that they are, and the fallen empire, willing to please their Phoenix teamates who actually fight a fair fight these days, they are going to allow the PTO government of AngelDemon to attack and take eIndonesian homeland (we'll be the first country to do it, that makes us cool AMIRITE?), pave a nice clean path through Asia towards eIndia. Now in the meantime, eSerbia will have the envious task of plowing through EDEN-friendly eIndia trying to reach the otherside, and I have the feeling our good buddies eIndia wont be too pleased about being a stepping stone to Asia for Phoenix and will probably fight back with all the armies of EDEN behind them. Of course, this is all just theory.

If for some miraculous reason eSerbia make it through India and border eAustralian territory in Asia, they'll have a free ride down to Northern Territory, seeing how Threesecond is eIndonesian, and as they have recently shown us, they are quite capable of hastily pressing the retreat button during a battle.

As a side note, not all of eIndonesia are bad, this idea is meeting harsh criticism and resistance in eIndonesia by many of their citizens. Naturally being a road for a stronger country isn't sitting well with the average eIndonesian and they don't like being trod upon, even by a trusted ally such as eSerbia!

So what is the point of this article? Why simply to let you all know, loyal citizens of eAustralia! And maybe perhaps a message to Phoenix - we are watching.

Thank you, and good night.