Citizens of BC I thank you!!!

Day 584, 23:10 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

For putting your faith and trust in me to represent you in congress I want to thank every one in BC. As promised I will perform my duties with honesty, integrity, and dilligence.
I did not expect to be elected, as it was my first time running, and because of all the propeganda surrounding the CEP as of late, but was plesently surprised to find that I was able to procure more votes than that of the incumbant congressman representing the CSD party. I am proud to represent you as you did not let all the articles sway you from the more important facts at hand and gave me 28 votes based on a campaign to work hard and put the needs of the citizens of BC on the table at congress.
So thank you, thank you all, I will not let you down!!

Having said that, I wish to inform you all that our first order of business is to lower the value of our CAN dollar, to help stimulate the economy, allowing for better exports and hopefully higher wages for all eCanadians.
The the disscusion is underway as we speak and the results should be posted up in the next few days for all to see.
I believe the lower dollar value will translate into a much stronger eCanada.

Well you are up to date. Thank you for your time eBC, and again for your vote!!

Your new congressman

CEP party